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مرشحات ومراجعة مركزة لغة انكليزية للسادس العلمي والادبي الدور الاول 2020

 مرشحات اللغة الانكليزية الدور الاول للسادس العلمي والادبي 2020

Unit one

              C  السؤال الثالث فرع  وزاري فراغات

Bandage , Cream ,, plaster , Ankle , knee , Stomach , Shoulder , 

Breathe , Swallow , Faint , Cough ,Medicine  

Skin,Blood ,Sneeze,  ,Heart , Bones , elbow,Wrist

1-My back hurts all the time . It only feel OK When Iam lying. down.

2.. He Was sick three. times in. The night . I think the food at the restaurant where he ate wasn’t very fresh

3-. You  Have to have two of those pillss  three: time a day.?

4- She can’t play tennis . She has broken her right arm .

5- Joint in the arm , Wrist

6- I’ve got a terrible headache. Can i have some .painkillers.?

7-. I usualy Sneeze When, I put pepperr on my fooD.

8. My Eyes Are sore me from the chemicalss

9-. My back hurts all the time . It feel OK when I’m lying down.

10- Joint in the leg Knee

11. I can’t swallow. I have a sore throat.

12- Joint in the arm , Shoulder

……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………(ing/ed)  الصفات التي تاخذ 

1 ( -ed ) تاتي مع االسم العاقل او الضمير عندما يتحدث مع نفسه .

- I was very ( bored / boring )

- We were very ( frightened / frightening ) when our car broke down in the desert

2 ( -ing ) تاتي مع االسم الغير عاقل او العاقل عندما يتحدث عن شي راه او قام به

1-This book is ( bored \ boring )

2-It was the most (frightened \ frightening) day of my life

3-The children were very (frightened\ frightening) when our car broke down in the desert.

4- She is not very interested / interesting in fashion She prefers books and music

5- I saw a very excited /exciting film on T.V. last Night .

6- He's A very Interested / Interesting persoN. He Has lots of great storiess: to tell .


الافعال المركبة 

القاعدة ( حرف جر + فعل)

لدينا نوعين من الجمل :

- 1 - جملة عادية : فيها فقط فعل وحرف جر وليس فيها ضمير . سوف تنزل كما هي . كما في المثال االتي :

- She said , can you turn / up / TV . ( correct order ترتيب صحيح(

- She said , can you turn up TV .

1 -جملة مركبة : فيها فعل وحرف جر وبعد حرف الجر ضمير . سوف يتحرك الضمير ويصبح بين الفعل وحرف)الجر كما في القاعدة ( حرف جر + ضمير + فعل

1- Smoking is terrible. You should \ give up \ it . (put in the correct order )

-Smoking is terrible. You should give it up.

2- I can’t remember when (I\ took up \ it). (put in the correct order)

3 - I 'v already turn on it . ( order ) I 've already turn it on .

4-I can't remember when I ( took up it / took it up ) - I took it up.

- I like those shoes . can I ( try / on / them ) .( put in order ) I like those shoes , can I try them on .


                                                                  الاسماء المعدودة وغير المعدودة 

بعد القوس هو معدود  (s) كل اسم يحتوي على

1. How (much \ many ) exercise does he take a week ? معدود

2. We need a ( little \ few ) more oranges . معدود

3- How ( many / much ) money should I save ? غير معدود

4- How much food do we need to bring to the picnic ? غير معدود

5- We need a little more fruit to take on the picnic . Can you buy some , please ? غير معدود

6-I don’t think I can fit in that parking place . here isn’t much space . غير معدود

7-There weren’t many people at the meeting . I think quite a few had left early . معدود


 with camparative مع المقارنة 

1-Fast , faster ; safe , safer

1- .Small , smaller ; good , better

2- Fast , faster ; funny , funnier

3- small, smaller - expensive , more expensive

(compare / than / used to with comparative)نميز هذه القاعدة اذا وجدنا بالسوال

الفاعل + is , are + er(صفة مضاف لها) , more + than + ضمير نفس الفاعل + used to be

لتنزيل باقي ملزمة مرشحات انكليزي للدور الاول كاملة اضغط هنا

مرشحات لغة انكليزية الدور الاول السادس  الاحيائي والادبي والتطبيقي نيمار ابن الانبار وابن الدورة و شبكة ملازمنا 
